2.1. Lexical Structure¶
2.1.1. Identifiers¶
Identifiers start with an alphabetic character (and not the symbol ‘_’) followed by any number of alphabetic characters, ‘_’ or digits ([0-9]). Daslang is a case sensitive language meaning that the lowercase and uppercase representation of the same alphabetic character are considered different characters. For instance, “foo”, “Foo” and “fOo” are treated as 3 distinct identifiers.
2.1.2. Keywords¶
The following words are reserved as keywords and cannot be used as identifiers:
struct |
class |
let |
def |
while |
if |
static_if |
else |
for |
recover |
true |
false |
new |
typeinfo |
type |
in |
is |
as |
elif |
static_elif |
array |
return |
null |
break |
try |
options |
table |
expect |
const |
require |
operator |
enum |
finally |
delete |
deref |
aka |
typedef |
with |
cast |
override |
abstract |
upcast |
iterator |
var |
addr |
continue |
where |
pass |
reinterpret |
module |
public |
label |
goto |
implicit |
shared |
private |
smart_ptr |
generator |
yield |
unsafe |
assume |
explicit |
sealed |
static |
inscope |
fixed_array |
typedecl |
The following words are reserved as type names and cannot be used as identifiers:
bool |
void |
string |
auto |
int |
int2 |
int3 |
int4 |
uint |
bitfield |
uint2 |
uint3 |
uint4 |
float |
float2 |
float3 |
float4 |
range |
urange |
block |
int64 |
uint64 |
double |
function |
lambda |
int8 |
uint8 |
int16 |
uint16 |
tuple |
variant |
range64 |
urange64 |
Keywords and types are covered in detail later in this document.
2.1.3. Operators¶
Daslang recognizes the following operators:
2.1.5. Literals¶
Daslang accepts integer numbers, unsigned integers, floating and double point numbers and string literals.
Integer number(base 10) |
Unsigned Integer number(base 16) |
Integer number(base 8) |
Integer number |
Floating point number |
Floating point number |
Floating point number |
Double point number |
Double point number |
Double point number |
String |
String |
Pesudo BNF:
IntegerLiteral ::= [1-9][0-9]* | '0x' [0-9A-Fa-f]+ | ''' [.]+ ''' | 0[0-7]+ FloatLiteral ::= [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ FloatLiteral ::= [0-9]+ '.' 'e'|'E' '+'|'-' [0-9]+ StringLiteral ::= '"'[.]* '"' VerbatimStringLiteral ::= '@''"'[.]* '"'
A comment is text that the compiler ignores, but is useful for programmers. Comments are normally used to embed annotations in the code. The compiler treats them as white space.
A comment can be /*
(slash, asterisk) characters, followed by any
sequence of characters (including new lines),
followed by the */
characters. This syntax is the same as ANSI C:
This is
a multiline comment.
This lines will be ignored by the compiler.
A comment can also be //
(two slash) characters, followed by any sequence of
characters. A new line not immediately preceded by a backslash terminates this form of
comment. It is commonly called a “single-line comment”:
// This is a single line comment. This line will be ignored by the compiler.
2.1.7. Semantic Indenting¶
Daslang follows semantic indenting (much like Python). That means that logical blocks are arranged with the same indenting, and if a control statement requires the nesting of a block (such as the body of a function, block, if, for, etc.), it has to be indented one step more. The indenting step is part of the options of the program. It is either 2, 4 or 8, but always the same for whole file. The default indenting is 4, but can be globally overridden per project.