2.10. Table

Tables are associative containers implemented as a set of key/value pairs:

var tab: table<string; int>
tab["10"] = 10
tab["20"] = 20
tab["some"] = 10
tab["some"] = 20  // replaces the value for 'some' key

There are several relevant builtin functions: clear, key_exists, get, and erase. get works with block as last argument, and returns if value has been found. It can be used with the rbpipe operator:

var tab <- {{ "one"=>1; "two"=>2 }}
let found = get(tab,"one") <| $(val)

There is non constant version available as well:

def main
    var tab <- {{ "one"=>1; "two"=>2 }}
    let found = get(tab,"one") <| $(var val)
        val = 123
    let t = tab["one"]

Tables (as well as arrays, structs, and handled types) are passed to functions by reference only.

Tables cannot be assigned, only cloned or moved.

def clone_table(var a, b: table<string, int>)
  a := b      // a is not deep copy of b
  clone(a, b) // same as above
  a = b       // error

def move_table(var a, b: table<string, int>)
  a <- b  //a is no points to same data as b, and b is empty.

Table keys can be not only strings, but any other ‘workhorse’ type as well.

Tables can be constructed inline:

let tab <- {{ "one"=>1; "two"=>2 }}

This is syntax sugar for:

let tab : table<string;int> <- to_table_move([[tuple<string;int>[2] "one"=>1; "two"=>2]])

Alternative syntax is:

let tab <- table("one"=>1, "two"=>2)
let tab <- table<string; int>("one"=>1, "two"=>2)

Table which holds no associative data can also be declared:

var tab : table<int>
tab |> insert(1)        // this is how we insert a key into such table

Table can be iterated over with the for loop:

var tab <- {{ "one"=>1; "two"=>2 }}
for key, value in keys(tab), values(tab)
    print("key: {key}, value: {value}\n")

Table which holds no associative data only has keys.