2. Built-in runtime¶
Builtin module is automatically required by any other das file. It includes basic language infrastructure, support for containers, heap, miscellaneous iterators, profiler, and interaction with host application.
2.1. Type aliases¶
print_flags is a bitfield
field |
bit |
value |
escapeString |
0 |
1 |
namesAndDimensions |
1 |
2 |
typeQualifiers |
2 |
4 |
refAddresses |
3 |
8 |
singleLine |
4 |
16 |
fixedPoint |
5 |
32 |
this bitfield specifies how exactly values are to be printed
2.2. Constants¶
maximum number of arguments for the function. this is used to pre-allocate stack space for the function arguments
INT_MIN = -2147483648
minimum possible value of ‘int’
INT_MAX = 2147483647
maximum possible value of ‘int’
UINT_MAX = 0xffffffff
maximum possible value of ‘uint’
LONG_MIN = -9223372036854775808
minimum possible value of ‘int64’
LONG_MAX = 9223372036854775807
maximum possible value of ‘int64’
ULONG_MAX = 0xffffffffffffffff
minimum possible value of ‘uint64’
FLT_MIN = 1.
smallest possible non-zero value of ‘float’. if u want minimum possible value use -FLT_MAX
FLT_MAX = 3.
maximum possible value of ‘float’
DBL_MIN = 2.
smallest possible non-zero value of ‘double’. if u want minimum possible value use -DBL_MAX
DBL_MAX = 1.
maximum possible value of ‘double’
indicates maximum log level. critial errors, panic, shutdown
LOG_ERROR = 40000
indicates log level recoverable errors
indicates log level for API misuse, non-fatal errors
LOG_INFO = 20000
indicates log level for miscellaneous informative messages
LOG_DEBUG = 10000
indicates log level for debug messages
indicates log level for the most noisy debug and tracing messages
VEC_SEP = ","
Read-only string constant which is used to separate elements of vectors. By default its “,”
print_flags_debugger = bitfield
printing flags similar to those used by the ‘debug’ function
2.4. Function annotations¶
marker annotation is used to attach arbitrary marker values to a function (in form of annotation arguments). its typically used for implementation of macros
indicates that the function is generic, regardless of its argument types. generic functions will be instanced in the calling module
indicates that the function will be called during the macro pass, similar to [init]
indicates that the function is part of the macro implementation, and will not be present in the final compiled context, unless explicitly called.
Hints the compiler to use specific optimization.
Explicitly marks (forces) function to be compiled with JIT compiler.
Disables JIT compilation for the function.
Marks function as nodiscard. Result of the function should be used.
deprecated annotation is used to mark a function as deprecated. it will generate a warning during compilation, and will not be callable from the final compiled context
indicates that function always aliases cmres (copy or move result), and cmres optimizations are disabled.
indicates that function never aliases cmres (copy or move result), and cmres checks will not be performed
indicates that function is to be exported to the final compiled context
indicates that the function is a pinvoke function, and will be called via pinvoke machinery
indicates that the lint pass should be skipped for the specific function
indicates that the function should be treated as if it has side-effects. for example it will not be optimized out
ensures that the function is always evaluated at compilation time
indicates that function is unsafe, and will require unsafe keyword to be called
Marks function as unsafe to be called outside of the sources for loop.
indicates that the AOT will not be generated for this specific function
indicates that the function would be called at the context initialization time
indicates that the function would be called at the context shutdown time
indicates that the function is likely candidate for later patching, and the AOT will generate hybrid calls to it - instead of direct calls. that way modyfing the function will not affect AOT of other functions.
optimization, which indicates that pointer dereference, array and string indexing, and few other operations would not check for null or bounds
optimization, which indicates that lock checks are not needed in this function.
marks function arguments, which are unused. that way when code policies make unused arguments an error, a workaround can be provided
indicates that function can only accept local make expressions, like [[make tuple]] and [[make structure]]
indicates that function can only accept das::vector templates
A contract to mark function argument to be a static array.
Marks function as a type function.
indicates sort function for builtin ‘sort’ machinery. used internally
2.5. Call macros¶
Marks function from which this is called from as unsafe.
similar to regular assert function, but always happens at compilation time. it would also display the error message from where the asserted function was called from, not the assert line itself.
part of internal implementation for insert of the sets (tables with keys only).
part of internal implementation for key_exists
similar to regular assert function, but always happens at compilation time
assert for the expression with side effects. expression will not be optimized out if asserts are disabled
prints value and returns that same value
throws panic if first operand is false. can be disabled. second operand is error message
initializes section of memory with ‘0’
part of internal implementation for find
invokes block, function, or lambda
part of internal implementation for erase
2.6. Reader macros¶
returns raw string input, without regards for escape sequences. For example %_esc\n\r%_esc will return 4 character string ‘',’n’,’',’r’
2.8. Handled types¶
das::string which is typically std::string or equivalent
das::Time which is a wrapper around time_t
2.9. Structure macros¶
[comment] macro, which does absolutely nothing but holds arguments.
[macro_interface] specifies that class and its inherited children are used as a macro interfaces, and would not be exported by default.
optimization, which indicates that the structure does not need lock checks.
[cpp_layout] specifies that structure uses C++ memory layout rules, as oppose to native Daslang memory layout rules.
Marks structure as safe to be used when uninitialized.
[persistent] annotation specifies that structure is allocated (via new) on the C++ heap, as oppose to Daslang context heap.
2.10. Containers¶
clear (array:array implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : void
resize (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;newSize:int const) : auto
resize_no_init (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;newSize:int const) : auto
reserve (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;newSize:int const) : auto
push (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;value:numT const -#;at:int const) : auto
push (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;value:numT const -#) : auto
push (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;varr:array<numT> const -#) : auto
push (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;varr:numT const[] -#) : auto
push (Arr:array<auto(numT)[]> -const;varr:numT const[] -#) : auto
emplace (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;value:numT& -const -#;at:int const) : auto
emplace (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;value:numT& -const -#) : auto
emplace (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;value:numT[] -const -#) : auto
emplace (Arr:array<auto(numT)[]> -const;value:numT[] -const -#) : auto
push_clone (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;value:numT const|numT const# const;at:int const) : auto
push_clone (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;value:numT const|numT const# const) : auto
push_clone (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;varr:numT const[]) : auto
push_clone (Arr:array<auto(numT)[]> -const;varr:numT const[]) : auto
push_clone (A:auto(CT) -const -#;b:auto(TT) const|auto(TT) const# const) : auto
erase (Arr:array<auto(numT)> -const;at:int const;count:int const) : auto
remove_value (arr:array<auto(TT)> -const|array<auto(TT)># -const -const;key:TT const) : bool
empty (a:table<auto;auto> const|table<auto;auto> const# const) : bool
find_for_edit (Tab:table<auto(keyT);void> -const;at:keyT const|keyT const# const) : void?
erase (Tab:table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> -const;at:string const#) : bool
erase (Tab:table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> -const;at:keyT const|keyT const# const) : bool
insert (Tab:table<auto(keyT);void> -const;at:keyT const|keyT const# const) : auto
values (a:table<auto(keyT);void> const ==const|table<auto(keyT);void> const# ==const const) : auto
each (lam:lambda<(var arg:auto(argT) -const):bool> const) : iterator<argT -&>
each_ref (lam:lambda<(var arg:auto(argT)? -const):bool> const) : iterator<argT&>
to_array (it:iterator<auto(TT)> const) : array<TT -const -&>
to_table (a:tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const[]) : table<keyT -const;valT>
to_table_move (a:auto(keyT)[] -const) : table<keyT -const;void>
to_table_move (a:auto(keyT) -const) : table<keyT -const;void>
to_table_move (a:tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> -const) : table<keyT -const;valT>
to_table_move (a:tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>[] -const) : table<keyT -const;valT>
sort (a:array<auto(TT)> -const|array<auto(TT)># -const -const) : auto
find_index (arr:array<auto(TT)> const|array<auto(TT)> const# const;key:TT const) : auto
find_index (arr:auto(TT) const[]|auto(TT) const[]# const;key:TT const) : auto
find_index (arr:iterator<auto(TT)> const;key:TT const -&) : auto
find_index_if (arr:iterator<auto(TT)> const;blk:block<(key:TT const -&):bool> const) : auto
(array: array implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
array |
array implicit |
clear will clear whole table or array arg. The size of arg after clear is 0.
(array: array const implicit)¶
length returns int
argument |
argument type |
array |
array const implicit |
length will return current size of table or array arg.
(array: array const implicit)¶
capacity returns int
argument |
argument type |
array |
array const implicit |
capacity will return current capacity of table or array arg. Capacity is the count of elements, allocating (or pushing) until that size won’t cause reallocating dynamic heap.
(iterator: iterator const implicit)¶
empty returns bool
argument |
argument type |
iterator |
iterator const implicit |
returns true if iterator is empty, i.e. would not produce any more values or uninitialized
(table: table const implicit)
length returns int
argument |
argument type |
table |
table const implicit |
length will return current size of table or array arg.
(table: table const implicit)
capacity returns int
argument |
argument type |
table |
table const implicit |
capacity will return current capacity of table or array arg. Capacity is the count of elements, allocating (or pushing) until that size won’t cause reallocating dynamic heap.
(str: string const implicit)
empty returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
returns true if iterator is empty, i.e. would not produce any more values or uninitialized
(str: das_string const implicit)
empty returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
builtin::das_string const implicit |
returns true if iterator is empty, i.e. would not produce any more values or uninitialized
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; newSize: int const)¶
resize returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
newSize |
int const |
Resize will resize array_arg array to a new size of new_size. If new_size is bigger than current, new elements will be zeroed.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; newSize: int const)¶
resize_no_init returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
newSize |
int const |
Resize will resize array_arg array to a new size of new_size. If new_size is bigger than current, new elements will be left uninitialized.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; newSize: int const)¶
reserve returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
newSize |
int const |
makes sure array has sufficient amount of memory to hold specified number of elements. reserving arrays will speed up pushing to it
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>)¶
pop returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
removes last element of the array
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; value: numT const; at: int const)¶
push returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
value |
numT const |
at |
int const |
push will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be copied (assigned) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; value: numT const)
push returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
value |
numT const |
push will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be copied (assigned) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; varr: array<numT> const)
push returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
varr |
array<numT> const |
push will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be copied (assigned) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; varr: numT const[])
push returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
varr |
numT const[-1] |
push will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be copied (assigned) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)[]>; varr: numT const[])
push returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)[-1]> |
varr |
numT const[-1] |
push will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be copied (assigned) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; value: numT&; at: int const)¶
emplace returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
value |
numT& |
at |
int const |
emplace will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be moved (<-) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; value: numT&)
emplace returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
value |
numT& |
emplace will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be moved (<-) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; value: numT[])
emplace returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
value |
numT[-1] |
emplace will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be moved (<-) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)[]>; value: numT[])
emplace returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)[-1]> |
value |
numT[-1] |
emplace will push to dynamic array array_arg the content of value. value has to be of the same type (or const reference to same type) as array values. if at is provided value will be pushed at index at, otherwise to the end of array. The content of value will be moved (<-) to it.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; value: numT const|numT const# const; at: int const)¶
push_clone returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
value |
option const |
at |
int const |
similar to push, only values would be cloned instead of copied
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; value: numT const|numT const# const)
push_clone returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
value |
option const |
similar to push, only values would be cloned instead of copied
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; varr: numT const[])
push_clone returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
varr |
numT const[-1] |
similar to push, only values would be cloned instead of copied
(Arr: array<auto(numT)[]>; varr: numT const[])
push_clone returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)[-1]> |
varr |
numT const[-1] |
similar to push, only values would be cloned instead of copied
(A: auto(CT); b: auto(TT) const|auto(TT) const# const)
push_clone returns auto
argument |
argument type |
A |
auto(CT) |
b |
option const |
similar to push, only values would be cloned instead of copied
(a: array<auto(TT)> ==const)¶
back returns TT&
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)>! |
returns last element of the array
(a: array<auto(TT)># ==const)
back returns TT&#
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)>#! |
returns last element of the array
(a: array<auto(TT)> const ==const)
back returns TT const&
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)> const! |
returns last element of the array
(a: array<auto(TT)> const# ==const)
back returns TT const&#
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)> const#! |
returns last element of the array
(arr: auto(TT) ==const)
back returns auto&
argument |
argument type |
arr |
auto(TT)! |
returns last element of the array
(arr: auto(TT) const ==const)
back returns auto const&
argument |
argument type |
arr |
auto(TT) const! |
returns last element of the array
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; at: int const)¶
erase returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
at |
int const |
erase will erase at index element in arg array.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; at: int const; count: int const)
erase returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
at |
int const |
count |
int const |
erase will erase at index element in arg array.
(arr: array<auto(TT)>|array<auto(TT)>#; key: TT const)¶
remove_value returns bool
argument |
argument type |
arr |
option |
key |
TT const |
removes first occurance of the key from the array.
(a: auto const|auto const# const)
length returns int
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
length will return current size of table or array arg.
(a: array<auto> const|array<auto> const# const)
empty returns bool
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
returns true if iterator is empty, i.e. would not produce any more values or uninitialized
(a: table<auto;auto> const|table<auto;auto> const# const)
empty returns bool
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
returns true if iterator is empty, i.e. would not produce any more values or uninitialized
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# const; at: keyT const; blk: block<(p:valT? const#):void> const)¶
find returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
option const |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT? const#):void> const |
will execute block_arg with argument pointer-to-value in table_arg pointing to value indexed by key, or null if key doesn’t exist in table_arg.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);void> const; at: keyT const|keyT const# const; blk: block<(p:void? const):void> const)
find returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);void> const |
at |
option const |
blk |
block<(p:void? const):void> const |
will execute block_arg with argument pointer-to-value in table_arg pointing to value indexed by key, or null if key doesn’t exist in table_arg.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# ==const; at: keyT const; blk: block<(p:valT const&#):void> const)¶
get returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const#! |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT const&#):void> const |
will execute block_arg with argument reference-to-value in table_arg referencing value indexed by key. Will return false if key doesn’t exist in table_arg, otherwise true.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const ==const; at: keyT const; blk: block<(p:valT const&):void> const)
get returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const! |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT const&):void> const |
will execute block_arg with argument reference-to-value in table_arg referencing value indexed by key. Will return false if key doesn’t exist in table_arg, otherwise true.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)># ==const; at: keyT const; blk: block<(var p:valT&#):void> const)
get returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>#! |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT&#):void> const |
will execute block_arg with argument reference-to-value in table_arg referencing value indexed by key. Will return false if key doesn’t exist in table_arg, otherwise true.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> ==const; at: keyT const; blk: block<(var p:valT&):void> const)
get returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>! |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT&):void> const |
will execute block_arg with argument reference-to-value in table_arg referencing value indexed by key. Will return false if key doesn’t exist in table_arg, otherwise true.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);void> const; at: keyT const|keyT const# const; blk: block<(var p:void?):void> const)
get returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);void> const |
at |
option const |
blk |
block<(p:void?):void> const |
will execute block_arg with argument reference-to-value in table_arg referencing value indexed by key. Will return false if key doesn’t exist in table_arg, otherwise true.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const; at: keyT const; blk: block<(p:valT const&):void> const)¶
find_if_exists returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT const&):void> const |
similar to find, but the block will only be called, if the key is found
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const#; at: keyT const; blk: block<(p:valT const&#):void> const)
find_if_exists returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT const&#):void> const |
similar to find, but the block will only be called, if the key is found
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);void> const; at: keyT const; blk: block<(p:void? const):void> const)
find_if_exists returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);void> const |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:void? const):void> const |
similar to find, but the block will only be called, if the key is found
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>; at: keyT const; blk: block<(var p:valT?#):void> const)¶
find_for_edit returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT?#):void> const |
similar to find, but pointer to the value would be read-write
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);void>; at: keyT const|keyT const# const; blk: block<(var p:void?):void> const)
find_for_edit returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);void> |
at |
option const |
blk |
block<(p:void?):void> const |
similar to find, but pointer to the value would be read-write
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>#; at: keyT const)
find_for_edit returns valT?
This is unsafe operation.
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
option |
at |
keyT const |
similar to find, but pointer to the value would be read-write
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);void>; at: keyT const|keyT const# const)
find_for_edit returns void?
This is unsafe operation.
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);void> |
at |
option const |
similar to find, but pointer to the value would be read-write
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>#; at: keyT const; blk: block<(var p:valT&#):void> const)¶
find_for_edit_if_exists returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)># |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT&#):void> const |
similar to find_if_exists, but pointer to the value would be read-write
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>; at: keyT const; blk: block<(var p:valT&):void> const)
find_for_edit_if_exists returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> |
at |
keyT const |
blk |
block<(p:valT&):void> const |
similar to find_if_exists, but pointer to the value would be read-write
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);void>; at: keyT const|keyT const# const; blk: block<(var p:void?):void> const)
find_for_edit_if_exists returns auto
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);void> |
at |
option const |
blk |
block<(p:void?):void> const |
similar to find_if_exists, but pointer to the value would be read-write
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>; at: string const#)
erase returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> |
at |
string const# |
erase will erase at index element in arg array.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>; at: keyT const|keyT const# const)
erase returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> |
at |
option const |
erase will erase at index element in arg array.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);void>; at: keyT const|keyT const# const)¶
insert returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);void> |
at |
option const |
inserts key into the set (table with no values) Tab
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# const; at: string const#)¶
key_exists returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
option const |
at |
string const# |
will return true if element key exists in table table_arg.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# const; at: keyT const|keyT const# const)
key_exists returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
option const |
at |
option const |
will return true if element key exists in table table_arg.
(a: auto(TT) const)¶
copy_to_local returns TT
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT) const |
copies value and returns it as local value on stack. used to work around aliasing issues
(a: auto(TT)&)¶
move_to_local returns TT
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT)& |
moves value and returns it as local value on stack. used to work around aliasing issues
(a: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# const)¶
keys returns iterator<keyT>
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
returns iterator to all keys of the table
(a: table<auto(keyT);void> const ==const|table<auto(keyT);void> const# ==const const)¶
values returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
returns iterator to all values of the table
(a: table<auto(keyT);void> ==const|table<auto(keyT);void># ==const)
values returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
returns iterator to all values of the table
(a: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const ==const|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# ==const const)
values returns iterator<valT const&>
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
returns iterator to all values of the table
(a: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> ==const|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)># ==const)
values returns iterator<valT&>
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
returns iterator to all values of the table
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const# const; blk: block<(t:table<keyT;valT> const#):void> const)¶
lock returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
option const |
blk |
block<(t:table<keyT;valT> const#):void> const |
locks array or table for the duration of the block invocation, so that it can’t be resized. values can’t be pushed or popped, etc.
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>|table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>#)¶
lock_forever returns table<keyT;valT>#
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
option |
locks array or table forever
(it: iterator<auto(TT)> const; value: TT&)¶
next returns bool
argument |
argument type |
it |
iterator<auto(TT)> const |
value |
TT& |
returns next element in the iterator as the ‘value’. result is true if there is element returned, or false if iterator is null or empty
(rng: range const)¶
each returns iterator<int>
argument |
argument type |
rng |
range const |
returns iterator, which iterates though each element of the object. object can be range, static or dynamic array, another iterator.
(str: string const)
each returns iterator<int>
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const |
returns iterator, which iterates though each element of the object. object can be range, static or dynamic array, another iterator.
(a: auto(TT) const[])
each returns iterator<TT&>
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT) const[-1] |
returns iterator, which iterates though each element of the object. object can be range, static or dynamic array, another iterator.
(a: array<auto(TT)> const)
each returns iterator<TT&>
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)> const |
returns iterator, which iterates though each element of the object. object can be range, static or dynamic array, another iterator.
(a: array<auto(TT)> const#)
each returns iterator<TT&#>
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)> const# |
returns iterator, which iterates though each element of the object. object can be range, static or dynamic array, another iterator.
(lam: lambda<(var arg:auto(argT)):bool> const)
each returns iterator<argT>
argument |
argument type |
lam |
lambda<(arg:auto(argT)):bool> const |
returns iterator, which iterates though each element of the object. object can be range, static or dynamic array, another iterator.
(lam: lambda<(var arg:auto(argT)?):bool> const)¶
each_ref returns iterator<argT&>
argument |
argument type |
lam |
lambda<(arg:auto(argT)?):bool> const |
similar to each, but iterator returns references instead of values
(tt: auto(TT) const)¶
each_enum returns iterator<TT>
argument |
argument type |
tt |
auto(TT) const |
iterates over each element in the enumeration
(it: iterator<auto(TT)>)¶
nothing returns iterator<TT>
argument |
argument type |
it |
iterator<auto(TT)> |
returns empty iterator
(it: iterator<auto(TT)> const)¶
to_array returns array<TT>
argument |
argument type |
it |
iterator<auto(TT)> const |
will convert argument (static array, iterator, another dynamic array) to an array. argument elements will be cloned
(a: auto(TT) const[])
to_array returns array<TT>
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT) const[-1] |
will convert argument (static array, iterator, another dynamic array) to an array. argument elements will be cloned
(a: auto(TT)[])¶
to_array_move returns array<TT>
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT)[-1] |
will convert argument (static array, iterator, another dynamic array) to an array. argument elements will be copied or moved
(a: auto(TT))
to_array_move returns array<TT>
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT) |
will convert argument (static array, iterator, another dynamic array) to an array. argument elements will be copied or moved
(a: tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const[])¶
to_table returns table<keyT;valT>
argument |
argument type |
a |
tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> const[-1] |
will convert an array of key-value tuples into a table<key;value> type. arguments will be cloned
(a: auto(keyT) const[])
to_table returns table<keyT;void>
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(keyT) const[-1] |
will convert an array of key-value tuples into a table<key;value> type. arguments will be cloned
(a: auto(keyT)[])¶
to_table_move returns table<keyT;void>
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(keyT)[-1] |
will convert an array of key-value tuples into a table<key;value> type. arguments will be copied or moved
(a: auto(keyT))
to_table_move returns table<keyT;void>
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(keyT) |
will convert an array of key-value tuples into a table<key;value> type. arguments will be copied or moved
(a: tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>)
to_table_move returns table<keyT;valT>
argument |
argument type |
a |
tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> |
will convert an array of key-value tuples into a table<key;value> type. arguments will be copied or moved
(a: tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>[])
to_table_move returns table<keyT;valT>
argument |
argument type |
a |
tuple<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>[-1] |
will convert an array of key-value tuples into a table<key;value> type. arguments will be copied or moved
(a: auto(TT)[]|auto(TT)[]#)¶
sort returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
sorts an array in ascending order.
(a: array<auto(TT)>|array<auto(TT)>#)
sort returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
sorts an array in ascending order.
(a: auto(TT)[]|auto(TT)[]#; cmp: block<(x:TT const;y:TT const):bool> const)
sort returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
cmp |
block<(x:TT const;y:TT const):bool> const |
sorts an array in ascending order.
(a: array<auto(TT)>|array<auto(TT)>#; cmp: block<(x:TT const;y:TT const):bool> const)
sort returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
cmp |
block<(x:TT const;y:TT const):bool> const |
sorts an array in ascending order.
(a: array<auto(TT)> ==const|array<auto(TT)># ==const; blk: block<(var x:array<TT>#):auto> const)
lock returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
blk |
block<(x:array<TT>#):auto> const |
locks array or table for the duration of the block invocation, so that it can’t be resized. values can’t be pushed or popped, etc.
(a: array<auto(TT)> const ==const|array<auto(TT)> const# ==const const; blk: block<(x:array<TT> const#):auto> const)
lock returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
blk |
block<(x:array<TT> const#):auto> const |
locks array or table for the duration of the block invocation, so that it can’t be resized. values can’t be pushed or popped, etc.
(arr: array<auto(TT)> const|array<auto(TT)> const# const; key: TT const)¶
find_index returns auto
argument |
argument type |
arr |
option const |
key |
TT const |
returns index of they key in the array
(arr: auto(TT) const[]|auto(TT) const[]# const; key: TT const)
find_index returns auto
argument |
argument type |
arr |
option const |
key |
TT const |
returns index of they key in the array
(arr: iterator<auto(TT)> const; key: TT const)
find_index returns auto
argument |
argument type |
arr |
iterator<auto(TT)> const |
key |
TT const |
returns index of they key in the array
(arr: array<auto(TT)> const|array<auto(TT)> const# const; blk: block<(key:TT const):bool> const)¶
find_index_if returns auto
argument |
argument type |
arr |
option const |
blk |
block<(key:TT const):bool> const |
returns index of the key in the array, where key is checked via compare block
(arr: auto(TT) const[]|auto(TT) const[]# const; blk: block<(key:TT const):bool> const)
find_index_if returns auto
argument |
argument type |
arr |
option const |
blk |
block<(key:TT const):bool> const |
returns index of the key in the array, where key is checked via compare block
(arr: iterator<auto(TT)> const; blk: block<(key:TT const):bool> const)
find_index_if returns auto
argument |
argument type |
arr |
iterator<auto(TT)> const |
blk |
block<(key:TT const):bool> const |
returns index of the key in the array, where key is checked via compare block
(a: auto const; key: auto const)¶
has_value returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
key |
auto const |
returns true if iterable a (array, dim, etc) contains key
(a: auto(TT) const[]; r: range const)¶
subarray returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT) const[-1] |
r |
range const |
returns new array which is copy of a slice of range of the source array
(a: auto(TT) const[]; r: urange const)
subarray returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT) const[-1] |
r |
urange const |
returns new array which is copy of a slice of range of the source array
(a: array<auto(TT)> const; r: range const)
subarray returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)> const |
r |
range const |
returns new array which is copy of a slice of range of the source array
(a: array<auto(TT)> const; r: urange const)
subarray returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
array<auto(TT)> const |
r |
urange const |
returns new array which is copy of a slice of range of the source array
(a: auto&; b: auto)¶
move_to_ref returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto& |
b |
auto |
moves b into a. if b is value, it will be copied to a instead
(t: table<auto(KT);auto(VT)>)
clear returns auto
argument |
argument type |
t |
table<auto(KT);auto(VT)> |
clear will clear whole table or array arg. The size of arg after clear is 0.
2.11. das::string manipulation¶
(src: das_string const implicit; block: block<(arg0:string const#):void> const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
src |
builtin::das_string const implicit |
block |
block<(string const#):void> const implicit |
returns contents of the das::string as temporary string value. this is fastest way to access contents of das::string as string
2.12. Heap reporting¶
string_heap_allocation_stats (context:__context const) : urange64
string_heap_allocation_count (context:__context const) : uint64
string_heap_bytes_allocated (context:__context const) : uint64
string_heap_report (context:__context const;line:__lineInfo const) : void
heap_report (context:__context const;line:__lineInfo const) : void
memory_report (errorsOnly:bool const;context:__context const;lineinfo:__lineInfo const) : void
heap_allocation_stats returns urange64
Returns heap allocation statistics (bytes allocated and bytes deleted).
heap_allocation_count returns uint64
Returns heap allocation count (total number of allocations).
string_heap_allocation_stats returns urange64
Returns string heap allocation statistics (bytes allocated and bytes deleted).
string_heap_allocation_count returns uint64
Returns string heap allocation count (total number of allocations).
heap_bytes_allocated returns uint64
will return bytes allocated on heap (i.e. really used, not reserved)
heap_depth returns int
returns number of generations in the regular heap
string_heap_bytes_allocated returns uint64
returns number of bytes allocated in the string heap
string_heap_depth returns int
returns number of generations in the string heap
(string_heap: bool const; validate: bool const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
string_heap |
bool const |
validate |
bool const |
calls garbage collection on the regular heap
reports string heap usage and allocations
reports heap usage and allocations
(errorsOnly: bool const)¶
argument |
argument type |
errorsOnly |
bool const |
reports memory allocation, optionally GC errors only
2.13. GC0 infrastructure¶
(name: string const implicit; data: void? const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
name |
string const implicit |
data |
void? const implicit |
saves pointer to gc0 storage by specifying name
(name: string const implicit; data: smart_ptr<void> const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
name |
string const implicit |
data |
smart_ptr<void> const implicit |
saves smart_ptr to gc0 storage by specifying name
(name: string const implicit)¶
gc0_restore_ptr returns void?
argument |
argument type |
name |
string const implicit |
restores pointer from gc0 storage by name
(name: string const implicit)¶
gc0_restore_smart_ptr returns smart_ptr<void>
argument |
argument type |
name |
string const implicit |
restores smart_ptr from gc0 storage name
resets gc0 storage. stored pointers will no longer be accessible
2.14. Smart ptr infrastructure¶
(dest: smart_ptr<void>& implicit; src: smart_ptr<void> const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
dest |
smart_ptr<void>& implicit |
src |
smart_ptr<void> const implicit |
Moves the new [[…]] value into smart_ptr.
(dest: smart_ptr<void>& implicit; src: void? const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
dest |
smart_ptr<void>& implicit |
src |
void? const implicit |
Moves one smart_ptr into another. Semantic equivalent of move(a,b) => a := null, a <- b
(dest: smart_ptr<void>& implicit; src: smart_ptr<void>& implicit)
argument |
argument type |
dest |
smart_ptr<void>& implicit |
src |
smart_ptr<void>& implicit |
Moves one smart_ptr into another. Semantic equivalent of move(a,b) => a := null, a <- b
(dest: smart_ptr<void>& implicit; src: void? const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
dest |
smart_ptr<void>& implicit |
src |
void? const implicit |
clones smart_ptr, internal use-count is incremented
(dest: smart_ptr<void>& implicit; src: smart_ptr<void> const implicit)
argument |
argument type |
dest |
smart_ptr<void>& implicit |
src |
smart_ptr<void> const implicit |
clones smart_ptr, internal use-count is incremented
(ptr: smart_ptr<void> const implicit)¶
smart_ptr_use_count returns uint
argument |
argument type |
ptr |
smart_ptr<void> const implicit |
returns internal use-count for the smart_ptr
(dest: smart_ptr<void> const implicit)¶
smart_ptr_is_valid returns bool
argument |
argument type |
dest |
smart_ptr<void> const implicit |
checks if smart pointer points to a valid data.
(src: smart_ptr<auto(TT)> const ==const)¶
get_ptr returns TT? const
argument |
argument type |
src |
smart_ptr<auto(TT)> const! |
returns regular pointer from the smart_ptr
(src: smart_ptr<auto(TT)> ==const)
get_ptr returns TT?
argument |
argument type |
src |
smart_ptr<auto(TT)>! |
returns regular pointer from the smart_ptr
(src: smart_ptr<auto(TT)> const)¶
get_const_ptr returns TT? const
argument |
argument type |
src |
smart_ptr<auto(TT)> const |
return constant pointer from regular pointer
(src: smart_ptr<auto(TT)> const)¶
add_ptr_ref returns smart_ptr<TT>
argument |
argument type |
src |
smart_ptr<auto(TT)> const |
increases reference count of the smart pointer.
2.15. Macro infrastructure¶
is_compiling returns bool
returns true if context is being compiled
is_compiling_macros returns bool
returns true if context is being compiled and the compiler is currently executing macro pass
(name: string const implicit)¶
is_compiling_macros_in_module returns bool
argument |
argument type |
name |
string const implicit |
returns true if context is being compiled, its macro pass, and its in the specific module
is_reporting_compilation_errors returns bool
returns true if context failed to compile, and infer pass is reporting compilation errors
is_in_completion returns bool
returns true if compiler is currently generating completion, i.e. lexical representation of the program for the text editor’s text completion system.
is_folding returns bool
returns true if context is beeing folded, i.e during constant folding pass
2.16. Profiler¶
resets counters in the built-in profiler
dumps use counts of all lines collected by built-in profiler
collect_profile_info returns string
enabling collecting of the use counts by built-in profiler
(count: int const; category: string const implicit; block: block<> const implicit)¶
profile returns float
argument |
argument type |
count |
int const |
category |
string const implicit |
block |
block<> const implicit |
profiles specified block by evaluating it count times and returns minimal time spent in the block in seconds, as well as prints it.
2.17. System infastructure¶
get_das_root (context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
panic (text:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : void
print (text:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : void
error (text:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : void
terminate (context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : void
stackwalk (args:bool const;vars:bool const;context:__context const;lineinfo:__lineInfo const) : void
to_compiler_log (text:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : void
eval_main_loop (block:block<bool> const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : void
aot_enabled (context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : bool
get_das_root returns string
returns path to where daslib and other libraries exist. this is typically root folder of the Daslang main repository
(text: string const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
text |
string const implicit |
will cause panic. The program will be determinated if there is no recover. Panic is not a error handling mechanism and can not be used as such. It is indeed panic, fatal error. It is not supposed that program can completely correctly recover from panic, recover construction is provided so program can try to correcly shut-down or report fatal error. If there is no recover withing script, it will be called in calling eval (in C++ callee code).
(text: string const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
text |
string const implicit |
outputs string into current context log output
(text: string const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
text |
string const implicit |
similar to ‘print’ but outputs to context error output
(value: any; flags: print_flags)¶
sprint returns string
argument |
argument type |
value |
any |
flags |
similar to ‘print’ but returns string instead of printing it
(value: any; humanReadable: bool const)¶
sprint_json returns string
argument |
argument type |
value |
any |
humanReadable |
bool const |
similar to ‘write_json’ but skips intermediate representation. this is faster but less flexible
terminates current context execution
breakpoint will call os_debugbreakpoint, which is link-time unresolved dependency. It’s supposed to call breakpoint in debugger tool, as sample implementation does.
(args: bool const; vars: bool const)¶
argument |
argument type |
args |
bool const |
vars |
bool const |
stackwalk prints call stack and local variables values
is_intern_strings returns bool
returns true if string interning is enabled
is_in_aot returns bool
returns true if compiler is currently generating AOT
(level: int const; text: string const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
level |
int const |
text |
string const implicit |
similar to print but output goes to the logging infrastructure. arg0 specifies log level, i.e. LOG_… constants
(text: string const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
text |
string const implicit |
Output text to compiler log, usually from the macro.
(block: block<bool> const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
block |
block<> const implicit |
executes main loop for the application. has specific implementation in EMSCRIPTEN, otherwise invoke until false.
aot_enabled returns bool
Returns true if AOT is enabled.
2.18. Memory manipulation¶
(arg0: variant<> const implicit)¶
variant_index returns int
argument |
argument type |
arg0 |
variant<> const implicit |
returns internal index of the variant value
(variant: variant<> implicit; index: int const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
variant |
variant<> implicit |
index |
int const |
sets internal index of the variant value
(data: any)¶
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
data |
any |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(data: string const implicit)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
data |
string const implicit |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: int8 const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
int8 const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: uint8 const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
uint8 const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: int16 const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
int16 const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: uint16 const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
uint16 const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: int const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
int const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: uint const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
uint const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: int64 const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
int64 const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: uint64 const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
uint64 const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: void? const implicit)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
void? const implicit |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: float const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
float const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: double const)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
double const |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(value: das_string const implicit)
hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
builtin::das_string const implicit |
returns hash value of the data. current implementation uses FNV64a hash.
(left: void? const implicit; right: void? const implicit; size: int const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
left |
void? const implicit |
right |
void? const implicit |
size |
int const |
copies size bytes of memory from right to left
(left: void? const implicit; right: void? const implicit; size: int const)¶
memcmp returns int
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
left |
void? const implicit |
right |
void? const implicit |
size |
int const |
similar to C ‘memcmp’, compares size bytes of left` and right memory. returns -1 if left is less, 1 if left is greater, and 0 if left is same as right
(p: void? const)¶
intptr returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
p |
void? const |
returns int64 representation of a pointer
(p: smart_ptr<auto> const)
intptr returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
p |
smart_ptr<auto> const |
returns int64 representation of a pointer
(a: array<auto(TT)> ==const|array<auto(TT)># ==const; blk: block<(var p:TT?#;s:int const):auto> const)¶
lock_data returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option |
blk |
block<(p:TT?#;s:int const):auto> const |
locks array and invokes block with a pointer to array’s data
(a: array<auto(TT)> const ==const|array<auto(TT)> const# ==const const; blk: block<(p:TT const? const#;s:int const):auto> const)
lock_data returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
option const |
blk |
block<(p:TT const? const#;s:int const):auto> const |
locks array and invokes block with a pointer to array’s data
(data: void? const; len: int const; blk: block<(var arg:array<auto(TT)>#):auto> const)¶
map_to_array returns auto
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
data |
void? const |
len |
int const |
blk |
block<(arg:array<auto(TT)>#):auto> const |
builds temporary array from the specified memory
(data: void? const; len: int const; blk: block<(arg:array<auto(TT)> const#):auto> const)¶
map_to_ro_array returns auto
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
data |
void? const |
len |
int const |
blk |
block<(arg:array<auto(TT)> const#):auto> const |
same as map_to_array but array is read-only
2.19. Binary serializer¶
(obj: auto const; subexpr: block<(data:array<uint8> const):void> const)¶
binary_save returns auto
argument |
argument type |
obj |
auto const |
subexpr |
block<(data:array<uint8> const):void> const |
saves any data to array<uint8>. obsolete, use daslib/archive instead
(obj: auto; data: array<uint8> const)¶
binary_load returns auto
argument |
argument type |
obj |
auto |
data |
array<uint8> const |
loads any data from array<uint8>. obsolete, use daslib/archive instead
2.20. Path and command line¶
get_command_line_arguments returns array<string>
returns array of command line arguments.
2.21. Time and date¶
get_clock returns builtin::clock
return a current calendar time. The value returned generally represents the number of seconds since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC (i.e., the current unix timestamp).
(year: int const; month: int const; mday: int const; hour: int const; min: int const; sec: int const)¶
mktime returns builtin::clock
argument |
argument type |
year |
int const |
month |
int const |
mday |
int const |
hour |
int const |
min |
int const |
sec |
int const |
Converts calendar time to time since epoch.
ref_time_ticks returns int64
returns current time in ticks
(ref: int64 const)¶
get_time_usec returns int
argument |
argument type |
ref |
int64 const |
returns time interval in usec, since the specified reft (usually from ref_time_ticks)
(ref: int64 const)¶
get_time_nsec returns int64
argument |
argument type |
ref |
int64 const |
returns time interval in nsec, since the specified reft (usually from ref_time_ticks)
2.22. Lock checking¶
(array: array const implicit)¶
lock_count returns int
argument |
argument type |
array |
array const implicit |
returns internal lock count for the array or table
(array: array implicit; check: bool const)¶
set_verify_array_locks returns bool
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
array |
array implicit |
check |
bool const |
runtime optimization, which indicates that the array does not need lock checks.
(table: table implicit; check: bool const)¶
set_verify_table_locks returns bool
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
table |
table implicit |
check |
bool const |
runtime optimization, which indicates that the table does not need lock checks.
2.23. Lock checking internals¶
(a: auto(valA)&; b: auto(valB)&)¶
_move_with_lockcheck returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(valA)& |
b |
auto(valB)& |
moves b into a, checks if a or b is locked, recursively for each lockable element of a and b
(a: auto(valT)& ==const)¶
_return_with_lockcheck returns auto&
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(valT)&! |
returns a. check if a is locked, recursively for each lockable element of a
(a: auto(valT) const& ==const)
_return_with_lockcheck returns auto&
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(valT) const&! |
returns a. check if a is locked, recursively for each lockable element of a
(Tab: table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)>; at: keyT const|keyT const# const)¶
_at_with_lockcheck returns valT&
argument |
argument type |
Tab |
table<auto(keyT);auto(valT)> |
at |
option const |
returns element of the table Tab, also checks if Tab is locked, recursively for each lockable element of Tab
2.24. Bit operations¶
(bits: uint const)¶
clz returns uint
argument |
argument type |
bits |
uint const |
count leading zeros
(bits: uint64 const)
clz returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
bits |
uint64 const |
count leading zeros
(bits: uint const)¶
ctz returns uint
argument |
argument type |
bits |
uint const |
count trailing zeros
(bits: uint64 const)
ctz returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
bits |
uint64 const |
count trailing zeros
(bits: uint const)¶
popcnt returns uint
argument |
argument type |
bits |
uint const |
count number of set bits
(bits: uint64 const)
popcnt returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
bits |
uint64 const |
count number of set bits
(a: uint64 const; b: uint64 const)¶
mul128 returns urange64
argument |
argument type |
a |
uint64 const |
b |
uint64 const |
Multiplies two 64 bit values and returns 128 bit result in form of two 64 bit values (low and high) as urange64.
2.25. Intervals¶
(arg0: int const; arg1: int const)¶
interval returns range
argument |
argument type |
arg0 |
int const |
arg1 |
int const |
returns range(‘arg0’,’arg1’)
(arg0: uint const; arg1: uint const)
interval returns urange
argument |
argument type |
arg0 |
uint const |
arg1 |
uint const |
returns range(‘arg0’,’arg1’)
(arg0: int64 const; arg1: int64 const)
interval returns range64
argument |
argument type |
arg0 |
int64 const |
arg1 |
int64 const |
returns range(‘arg0’,’arg1’)
(arg0: uint64 const; arg1: uint64 const)
interval returns urange64
argument |
argument type |
arg0 |
uint64 const |
arg1 |
uint64 const |
returns range(‘arg0’,’arg1’)
2.26. RTTI¶
(ptr: void? const implicit)¶
class_rtti_size returns int
argument |
argument type |
ptr |
void? const implicit |
returns size of specific TypeInfo for the class
2.27. Lock verification¶
(check: bool const)¶
set_verify_context_locks returns bool
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
check |
bool const |
Enables or disables array or table lock runtime verification per context
2.28. Initialization and finalization¶
(arg0: block<(var arg0:das_string):void> const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
arg0 |
block<( builtin::das_string ):void> const implicit |
Creates temporary das_string.
2.29. Algorithms¶
(start: int const; step: int const)¶
count returns iterator<int>
argument |
argument type |
start |
int const |
step |
int const |
returns iterator which iterates from start value by incrementing it by step value. It is the intended way to have counter together with other values in the for loop.
(start: uint const; step: uint const)¶
ucount returns iterator<uint>
argument |
argument type |
start |
uint const |
step |
uint const |
returns iterator which iterates from start value by incrementing it by step value. It is the intended way to have counter together with other values in the for loop.
(foo: auto const)¶
iter_range returns auto
argument |
argument type |
foo |
auto const |
returns range(foo)
(a: auto(TT)&; b: auto(TT)&)¶
swap returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto(TT)& |
b |
auto(TT)& |
swaps two values a and ‘b’
2.30. Memset¶
memset8 (left:void? const implicit;value:uint8 const;count:int const) : void
memset16 (left:void? const implicit;value:uint16 const;count:int const) : void
memset32 (left:void? const implicit;value:uint const;count:int const) : void
memset64 (left:void? const implicit;value:uint64 const;count:int const) : void
memset128 (left:void? const implicit;value:uint4 const;count:int const) : void
(left: void? const implicit; value: uint8 const; count: int const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
left |
void? const implicit |
value |
uint8 const |
count |
int const |
Effecitvely C memset.
(left: void? const implicit; value: uint16 const; count: int const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
left |
void? const implicit |
value |
uint16 const |
count |
int const |
Similar to memset, but fills values with 16 bit words.
(left: void? const implicit; value: uint const; count: int const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
left |
void? const implicit |
value |
uint const |
count |
int const |
Similar to memset, but fills values with 32 bit words.
(left: void? const implicit; value: uint64 const; count: int const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
left |
void? const implicit |
value |
uint64 const |
count |
int const |
Similar to memset, but fills values with 64 bit words.
(left: void? const implicit; value: uint4 const; count: int const)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
left |
void? const implicit |
value |
uint4 const |
count |
int const |
Similar to memset, but fills values with 128 bit vector type values.
2.31. Malloc¶
(size: uint64 const)
malloc returns void?
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
size |
uint64 const |
C-style malloc
(ptr: void? const implicit)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
ptr |
void? const implicit |
C-style free to be coupled with C-style malloc
(ptr: void? const implicit)¶
malloc_usable_size returns uint64
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
ptr |
void? const implicit |
returns size of the allocated memory block
2.32. Uncategorized¶
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; newSize: int const)¶
resize_and_init returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
newSize |
int const |
Resizes array and initializes new elements.
(Arr: array<auto(numT)>; newSize: int const; initValue: numT const)
resize_and_init returns auto
argument |
argument type |
Arr |
array<auto(numT)> |
newSize |
int const |
initValue |
numT const |
Resizes array and initializes new elements.
(arr: array<auto(TT)>; blk: block<(key:TT const):bool> const|block<(var key:TT&):bool> const const)¶
erase_if returns auto
argument |
argument type |
arr |
array<auto(TT)> |
blk |
option const |
Erases element from the array if it satisfies the condition.
(a: auto const; b: auto const)¶
float2 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for float2.
(a: auto const; b: auto const; c: auto const)¶
float3 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
c |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for float3.
(a: auto const; b: auto const; c: auto const; d: auto const)¶
float4 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
c |
auto const |
d |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for float4.
(a: auto const; b: auto const)¶
int2 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for int2.
(a: auto const; b: auto const; c: auto const)¶
int3 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
c |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for int3.
(a: auto const; b: auto const; c: auto const; d: auto const)¶
int4 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
c |
auto const |
d |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for int4.
(a: auto const; b: auto const)¶
uint2 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for uint2.
(a: auto const; b: auto const; c: auto const)¶
uint3 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
c |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for uint3.
(a: auto const; b: auto const; c: auto const; d: auto const)¶
uint4 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
a |
auto const |
b |
auto const |
c |
auto const |
d |
auto const |
Generic c-tor for uint4.