14. String manipulation library¶
The string library implements string formatting, conversion, searching, and modification routines.
All functions and symbols are in “strings” module, use require to get access to it.
require strings
14.1. Enumerations¶
ok |
0 |
invalid_argument |
22 |
out_of_range |
34 |
Result of conversion from string to number.
14.2. Handled structures¶
Object representing a string builder. Its significantly faster to write data to the string builder and than convert it to a string, as oppose to using sequences of string concatenations.
14.3. Character set¶
(Character: int const; Charset: uint const[8] implicit)¶
is_char_in_set returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Character |
int const |
Charset |
uint const[8] implicit |
Returns true if character bit is set in the set (of 256 bits in uint32[8]).
(Charset: uint const[8] implicit)¶
set_total returns uint
argument |
argument type |
Charset |
uint const[8] implicit |
Total number of elements in the character set.
(Character: int const; Charset: uint const[8] implicit)¶
set_element returns int
argument |
argument type |
Character |
int const |
Charset |
uint const[8] implicit |
Gen character set element by element index (not character index).
14.4. Character groups¶
(Character: int const)¶
is_alpha returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Character |
int const |
Returns true if character is [A-Za-z].
(Character: int const)¶
is_new_line returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Character |
int const |
Returns true if character is ‘n’ or ‘r’.
(Character: int const)¶
is_white_space returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Character |
int const |
Returns true if character is [ tnr].
(Character: int const)¶
is_number returns bool
argument |
argument type |
Character |
int const |
Returns true if character is [0-9].
14.5. Character by index¶
(str: string const implicit; idx: int const)¶
character_at returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
idx |
int const |
Returns character of the string ‘str’ at index ‘idx’.
(str: string const implicit; idx: int const)¶
character_uat returns int
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
idx |
int const |
Returns character of the string ‘str’ at index ‘idx’. This function does not check bounds of index.
14.6. String properties¶
(str: string const implicit; cmp: string const implicit)¶
ends_with returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
cmp |
string const implicit |
returns true if the end of the string str matches a the string cmp otherwise returns false
(str: das_string const implicit; cmp: string const implicit)
ends_with returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
builtin::das_string const implicit |
cmp |
string const implicit |
returns true if the end of the string str matches a the string cmp otherwise returns false
(str: string const implicit; cmp: string const implicit)¶
starts_with returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
cmp |
string const implicit |
returns true if the beginning of the string str matches the string cmp; otherwise returns false
(str: string const implicit; cmp: string const implicit; cmpLen: uint const)
starts_with returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
cmp |
string const implicit |
cmpLen |
uint const |
returns true if the beginning of the string str matches the string cmp; otherwise returns false
(str: string const implicit; offset: int const; cmp: string const implicit)
starts_with returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
offset |
int const |
cmp |
string const implicit |
returns true if the beginning of the string str matches the string cmp; otherwise returns false
(str: string const implicit; offset: int const; cmp: string const implicit; cmpLen: uint const)
starts_with returns bool
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
offset |
int const |
cmp |
string const implicit |
cmpLen |
uint const |
returns true if the beginning of the string str matches the string cmp; otherwise returns false
(str: string const implicit)¶
length returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Return length of string
(str: das_string const implicit)
length returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
builtin::das_string const implicit |
Return length of string
14.7. String builder¶
(block: block<(var arg0:StringBuilderWriter):void> const implicit)¶
build_string returns string
argument |
argument type |
block |
block<( strings::StringBuilderWriter ):void> const implicit |
Create StringBuilderWriter and pass it to the block. Upon completion of a block, return whatever was written as string.
(block: block<(var arg0:StringBuilderWriter):void> const implicit)¶
build_hash returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
block |
block<( strings::StringBuilderWriter ):void> const implicit |
Build hash of the string (as oppose to building entire string).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter; anything: any)¶
write returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
anything |
any |
Returns textual representation of the value.
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; ch: int const)¶
write_char returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
ch |
int const |
Writes character into StringBuilderWriter.
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; ch: int const; count: int const)¶
write_chars returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
ch |
int const |
count |
int const |
Writes multiple characters into StringBuilderWriter.
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; str: string const implicit)¶
write_escape_string returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
str |
string const implicit |
Writes escaped string into StringBuilderWriter.
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: int const)¶
format returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: uint const)
format returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: int64 const)
format returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: uint64 const)
format returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: float const)
format returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
float const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: double const)
format returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
double const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(format: string const implicit; value: int const)
format returns string
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(format: string const implicit; value: uint const)
format returns string
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(format: string const implicit; value: int64 const)
format returns string
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(format: string const implicit; value: uint64 const)
format returns string
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(format: string const implicit; value: float const)
format returns string
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
float const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
(format: string const implicit; value: double const)
format returns string
This function is deprecated.
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
double const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of C printf).
14.8. das::string manipulation¶
(str: das_string implicit; ch: int const)¶
argument |
argument type |
str |
builtin::das_string implicit |
ch |
int const |
Appends single character ch to das::string str.
(str: das_string implicit; new_length: int const)¶
argument |
argument type |
str |
builtin::das_string implicit |
new_length |
int const |
Resize string, i.e make it specified length.
14.9. String modifications¶
strip (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
strip_right (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
strip_left (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
reverse (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
to_upper (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
to_lower (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
escape (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
unescape (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
safe_unescape (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
rtrim (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
ltrim (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
trim (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
(str: string const implicit; count: int const)¶
repeat returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
count |
int const |
Repeat string specified number of times, and return the result.
(str: string const implicit)¶
strip returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Strips white-space-only characters that might appear at the beginning or end of the given string and returns the new stripped string.
(str: string const implicit)¶
strip_right returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Strips white-space-only characters that might appear at the end of the given string and returns the new stripped string.
(str: string const implicit)¶
strip_left returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Strips white-space-only characters that might appear at the beginning of the given string and returns the new stripped string.
(str: string const implicit; start: int const; length: int const)¶
chop returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
start |
int const |
length |
int const |
Return all part of the strings starting at start and ending at start + length.
(str: string const implicit; start: int const; end: int const)¶
slice returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
start |
int const |
end |
int const |
Return all part of the strings starting at start and ending by end. Start can be negative (-1 means “1 from the end”).
(str: string const implicit; start: int const)
slice returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
start |
int const |
Return all part of the strings starting at start and ending by end. Start can be negative (-1 means “1 from the end”).
(str: string const implicit)¶
reverse returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Return reversed string
(str: string const implicit)¶
to_upper returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Return all upper case string
(str: string const implicit)¶
to_lower returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Return all lower case string
(str: string const implicit)¶
to_lower_in_place returns string
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Modify string in place to be all lower case
(str: string const implicit)¶
to_upper_in_place returns string
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Modify string in place to be all upper case string
(str: string const implicit)¶
escape returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Escape string so that escape sequences are printable, for example converting “n” into “\n”.
(str: string const implicit)¶
unescape returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Unescape string i.e reverse effects of escape. For example “\n” is converted to “n”.
(str: string const implicit)¶
safe_unescape returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Unescape string i.e reverse effects of escape. For example “\n” is converted to “n”.
(str: string const implicit; toSearch: string const implicit; replace: string const implicit)¶
replace returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
toSearch |
string const implicit |
replace |
string const implicit |
Replace all occurances of the stubstring in the string with another substring.
(str: string const implicit)¶
rtrim returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Removes trailing white space.
(str: string const implicit; chars: string const implicit)
rtrim returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
chars |
string const implicit |
Removes trailing white space.
(str: string const implicit)¶
ltrim returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Removes leading white space.
(str: string const implicit)¶
trim returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Removes leading and trailing white space.
14.10. Search substrings¶
(str: string const implicit; substr: string const implicit; start: int const)¶
find returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
substr |
string const implicit |
start |
int const |
Return index where substr can be found within str (starting from optional ‘start’ at), or -1 if not found
(str: string const implicit; substr: string const implicit)
find returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
substr |
string const implicit |
Return index where substr can be found within str (starting from optional ‘start’ at), or -1 if not found
(str: string const implicit; substr: int const)
find returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
substr |
int const |
Return index where substr can be found within str (starting from optional ‘start’ at), or -1 if not found
(str: string const implicit; substr: int const; start: int const)
find returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
substr |
int const |
start |
int const |
Return index where substr can be found within str (starting from optional ‘start’ at), or -1 if not found
14.11. String conversion routines¶
string (bytes:array<uint8> const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
to_char (char:int const;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : string
int (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : int
uint (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : uint
int64 (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : int64
uint64 (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : uint64
float (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : float
double (str:string const implicit;context:__context const;at:__lineInfo const) : double
to_int64 (value:string const implicit;hex:bool const) : int64
to_uint64 (value:string const implicit;hex:bool const) : uint64
(bytes: array<uint8> const implicit)¶
string returns string
argument |
argument type |
bytes |
array<uint8> const implicit |
Return string from the byte array.
(char: int const)¶
to_char returns string
argument |
argument type |
char |
int const |
Convert character to string.
(str: string const implicit)¶
int returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Converts string to integer. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
uint returns uint
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Convert string to uint. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
int64 returns int64
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Converts string to int64. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
uint64 returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Convert string to uint64. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
float returns float
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Converts string to float. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
double returns double
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Converts string to double. In case of error panic.
(value: string const implicit; hex: bool const)¶
to_int returns int
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to int. In case of error returns 0
(value: string const implicit; hex: bool const)¶
to_uint returns uint
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to uint. In case of error returns 0u
(value: string const implicit; hex: bool const)¶
to_int64 returns int64
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to int64. In case of error returns 0l
(value: string const implicit; hex: bool const)¶
to_uint64 returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to uint64. In case of error returns 0ul
(value: string const implicit)¶
to_float returns float
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
Convert string to float. In case of error returns 0.0
(value: string const implicit)¶
to_double returns double
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
Convert string to double. In case of error returns 0.0lf
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
int returns int
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Converts string to integer. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
uint returns uint
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to uint. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
int64 returns int64
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Converts string to int64. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
uint64 returns uint64
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to uint64. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit)
float returns float
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
Converts string to float. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit)
double returns double
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
Converts string to double. In case of error panic.
14.12. String as array¶
(str: string const implicit; block: block<(arg0:array<uint8> const#):void> const implicit)¶
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
block |
block<(array<uint8> const#):void> const implicit |
Passes temporary array which is mapped to the string data to a block as read-only.
(str: string const implicit; block: block<(var arg0:array<uint8>#):void> const implicit)¶
modify_data returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
block |
block<(array<uint8>#):void> const implicit |
Passes temporary array which is mapped to the string data to a block for both reading and writing.
14.13. Low level memory allocation¶
(str: string& implicit)¶
This is unsafe operation.
argument |
argument type |
str |
string& implicit |
Removes string from the string heap. This is unsafe because it will free the memory and all dangling strings will be broken.
(str: string const implicit; length: int const)¶
reserve_string_buffer returns string
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
length |
int const |
Allocate copy of the string data on the heap.
14.14. Uncategorized¶
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: int8 const)¶
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int8 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: uint8 const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint8 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: int16 const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int16 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: uint16 const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint16 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: int const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: uint const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: int64 const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: uint64 const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: float const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
float const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(writer: StringBuilderWriter implicit; format: string const implicit; value: double const)
fmt returns strings::StringBuilderWriter &
argument |
argument type |
writer |
strings::StringBuilderWriter implicit |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
double const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(str: string const implicit)¶
int8 returns int8
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Converts string to int8. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
uint8 returns uint8
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Convert string to uint8. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
int16 returns int16
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Converts string to int16. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit)¶
uint16 returns uint16
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
Convert string to uint16. In case of error panic.
(value: string const implicit; hex: bool const)¶
to_int8 returns int8
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to int8. In case of error returns 0
(value: string const implicit; hex: bool const)¶
to_uint8 returns uint8
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to uint8. In case of error returns 0u
(value: string const implicit; hex: bool const)¶
to_int16 returns int16
argument |
argument type |
value |
string const implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to int16. In case of error returns 0
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
int8 returns int8
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Converts string to int8. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
uint8 returns uint8
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to uint8. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
int16 returns int16
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Converts string to int16. In case of error panic.
(str: string const implicit; result: ConversionResult& implicit; offset: int& implicit; hex: bool const)
uint16 returns uint16
argument |
argument type |
str |
string const implicit |
result |
strings::ConversionResult & implicit |
offset |
int& implicit |
hex |
bool const |
Convert string to uint16. In case of error panic.
(format: string const implicit; value: int8 const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int8 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: uint8 const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint8 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: int16 const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int16 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: uint16 const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint16 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: int const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: uint const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: int64 const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
int64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: uint64 const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
uint64 const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: float const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
float const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).
(format: string const implicit; value: double const)
fmt returns string
argument |
argument type |
format |
string const implicit |
value |
double const |
Converts value to string given specified format (that of libfmt or C++20 std::format).