7. Random generator library¶
The random library implements basic random routines.
All functions and symbols are in “random” module, use require to get access to it.
require random
7.1. Constants¶
LCG_RAND_MAX = 32767
maximum possible output of random number generator
LCG_RAND_MAX_BIG = 1073741823
maximum possible output of random_big_int
7.2. Seed and basic generators¶
(seed: int const)¶
random_seed returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int const |
constructs seed vector out of single integer seed
(seed: int4&; co: int2 const; cf: int const)¶
random_seed2D returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
co |
int2 const |
cf |
int const |
constructs seed vector out of 2d screen coordinates and frame counter cf
(seed: int4&)¶
random_int returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random integer 0..32767 (LCG_RAND_MAX)
(seed: int4&)¶
random_big_int returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random integer 0..32768*32768-1 (LCG_RAND_MAX_BIG)
(seed: int4&)¶
random_uint returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random integer 0..32768*32768-1 (LCG_RAND_MAX_BIG)
(seed: int4&)¶
random_int4 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random int4, each component is 0..32767 (LCG_RAND_MAX)
(seed: int4&)¶
random_float returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random float 0..1
(seed: int4&)¶
random_float4 returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random float4, each component is 0..1
7.3. Random iterators¶
(rnd_seed: int const)¶
each_random_uint returns iterator<uint>
argument |
argument type |
rnd_seed |
int const |
endless iterator of random uints
7.4. Specific distributions¶
(seed: int4&)¶
random_unit_vector returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random float3 unit vector (length=1.)
(seed: int4&)¶
random_in_unit_sphere returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random float3 unit vector (length=1) which happens to be inside a sphere R=1
(seed: int4&)¶
random_in_unit_disk returns auto
argument |
argument type |
seed |
int4& |
random float3 unit vector (length=1) which happens to be inside a disk R=1, Z=0